Thursday, October 1, 2009

This is Harder then I thought

So far I have looked up books and information on the internet for my research project on The Royal Theater. It seems as though I’m not having much luck with gathering a lot of information. The direction that I would like to go in (at this point) would be Baltimoreans reaction to this new theater during the 1920’s. I’m trying to understand what it was like, as a “colored” person to make that type of accomplishment. I would like to know if the owners were afraid, overwhelmed, or just living for that moment. On the flip side, I’m seeking information on the Caucasians point of view. I didn’t think that I would run into a wall so early into my research; however, I’m going to go to the library to see if I can find some old articles or photos, so that I can get a better feel for what Pennsylvania Avenue was like during the 1920’s.
Overall, I think this topic is a challenging one. I’m skeptical on how I can turn it into a nine page paper. However, I’m also determined and I know this project will be a great experience. So stay tuned!


  1. Krystall you should definitely visit the Maryland Room at Enoch Pratt Library located on the 2nd Floor. There are many good materials regarding the history of Baltimore and the Enoch Pratt Staff will guide you through their collection. Also, you should look through their African-American Room, which I think is located on the 1st floor.

  2. Thanks! I think your right; the internet doesn't really help when trying to retrieve the type of info I’m looking for.
