Friday, September 25, 2009

Years later; “The Avenue” became known as the drug capital

Although Pennsylvania Avenue seemed to be a positive and free spirited place; The Avenue also attracted negativity. While I was in my criminal justice class Wednesday, we watched a documentary on “lil Melvin” a B.E.T claimed American Gangster. In this documentary Melvin talked about the great times on Pennsylvania Avenue. He remembered making hundreds of thousands of dollars gamboling with dice. After winning the lottery, Melvin was introduced to a Jewish store owner, who later introduced him to selling drugs. During the 1950’s and 60’s Pennsylvania Avenue had changed tremendously. The Avenue was no longer about “just living in the moment” it turned into a quick hustle. People from all over the world, black and white came to Baltimore to gambol and make extremely large drug trades. The city, especially the avenue, became well known for drugs; specifically heroine and dope. Pennsylvania Avenue would never be the same after it was known as the drug capital. In this video, is the documentary of “lil Melvin” he will go into detail about his life and connection to Pennsylvania Avenue. It is a lengthy video, but you will enjoy it.Please click the link below to watch the video.

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